is a young Zimbabwean (Kalanga by tribe) blogger and Geographer-Explorer-Historian-Journalist who is a first year student currently studying towards a PhD in Communication and Media at the Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies (IJCS) at the Charles University, Czech Republic. His PhD research topic is: The discursive constructions of Africa in African films: A reception analysis of Nollywood and SouthAfrican films among audiences in Zimbabwe.
17 srpna, 2022 •
Foto a video, Nejnovější příspěvky, Nová média a Web 2.0 •
by Bakidzanani Dube
Není to tak dávno, co se žurnalistika a zpravodajství v Zimbabwe, ale i ve světě vůbec, odehrávala jen na tradičních platformách jako noviny, rozhlas a televize. Myšlenka, že mobilní telefon, který zpočátku sloužil jen...
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17 srpna, 2022 •
English language content •
by Bakidzanani Dube
Not so long ago, all that was known about journalism and news reporting in Zimbabwe and the world at large was the traditional newspaper, radio, and television. To think that the mobile phone which all started as just a medium for texting...
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