Doctoral student at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism, Faculty of Social Science, Charles University. He is also a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Communication Science, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia. His research focuses on environmental communication, sustainability, and audiences.
17 července, 2023 •
English language content •
by Angga Ariestya
The depiction of what has been happening in fashion lately shows that for some people it is no longer taboo to use second-hand products such as thrifting, swapping, upcycling, and recycling fashion. They would make an extra effort to...
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6 dubna, 2022 •
Etika a kvalita žurnalistiky, Nejnovější příspěvky •
by Angga Ariestya
Oděvní průmysl po celém světě ovládá trend “fast fashion”. Rychlé změny ve výrobě a spotřebě konfekce snížily ceny oděvů. Kvůli tomu má více lidí přístup k nejnovější módě a prudce se tak zvyšuje i...
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6 dubna, 2022 •
English language content •
by Angga Ariestya
Fast fashion trend is now dominating apparel business around the world. Rapid changes in the production and consumption of ready-to-wear clothing in the 20th century cut the clothes’ price down. That allows more people to increase their...
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